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'Windows Mobile'에 해당되는 글 3건

  1. 2009.01.07 Wceload.exe
  2. 2009.01.07 Windows Mobile 교육 - 3rd day
  3. 2009.01.07 Windows Mobile 교육 - 1st day


OS 자료들 2009. 1. 7. 13:32

I've been asked for assistance with the following issue today. A developer has a CAB that he wants to install on the device without using CeAppMgr, from his own setup application. In addition he wanted to force the installation to the storage card if present.

This task involves several steps:

  1. Copy CAB to the device
  2. Detect storage card presence
  3. Launch wceload.exe to install the cab

1. Copying CAB to the device.

I would use cecopy (from Windows Mobile Developer Power Toys) or RAPI (CeCreateFile, CeWriteFile). If working with managed code, I suggest OpenNETCF.Communications library, or RapiDeploy tool

2. Detecting storage card presence.

While on the device side the preferred method is to use FindFirstFlashCard/FindNextFlashCard, these functions do not have Rapi equivalent. From the desktop side use CeFindAllFiles/FAF_FOLDERS_ONLY (or CeFindFirstFile/CeFindNextFile) to search the root directory and enumerate all files for having FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY combination of attributes (0x110).

3. Launch wceload.exe to install the cab

This is the interesting part. Here is a list of command-line switches that wceload.exe supports:

  • /delete - if value = 0 do not delete cab after install
  • /noui - perform a silent operation. Do not ask if it is ok to overwrite the exiting files
  • /nouninstall - do not create a .uninstall file. The applciation entry will not appear in Remove Programs list
  • /askdest - will force wceload to display a dialog that allows user to select installaltion location and some other things
  • /noaskdest - install specified applications to specified locations (see below)


Dialog displayed by wceload when /askdest is specified

The /noaskdest switch is the most inetersting of them all. When you specify it, wceload ignores the rest of the command line. Instead it checks the following registry location - [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apps\Microsoft Application Installer\Install]

The key contents are key/value pairs:
[CAB file path] = [CAB destination directory]
e.g. \Storage Card\MyApp.CAB = \Storage Card\Program Files\My App

wceload will try to install the cab specified in the value name to the location specified in the value value. Below is the sample registry content:

To reiterate: in order to install a cab to the memory card, one needs to:

  1. Copy CAB to the device (e.g. to the memory card)
  2. Create a registry value on the device specifying the cab location and cab destination
  3. Launch wceload.exe with /noaskdest parameter
Posted by Y2K

인증 및 보안

신원(Identity)을 통한 보안

실행권한 계층

  • Privileged
    • 모든 API 호출 가능
    • Registry Write
    • File Write (all Directories)
    • 인증서 설치 가능
    • Trusted
  • Normal
  • Locked
    • 실행 권한 없음
    • 모든 S/W의 실행 제한


인증서 + app -(Signtool.exe) = signed application

  • Priviliged, normal 권한
  • Priviliged 계약상의 권한이 있음
  • Mobile2Market 인증서 : windows에서 인증을 받은 상태
    • MS에서의 조건이 있는 상태
Two Tier
  • Privileged
  • Normal
  • Blocked 
One Tier
  • Privilieged
  • Blocked
Posted by Y2K


  • SDK - hooper app
  • Emulator
  • mobile용 개발에 대한 내용 test.
  • DeskTop Development - MS Virtual PC 이용 가능
  • Mobile Development

          - Device Emulator [VS2008, SDK 에서 사용 가능]

          - ARM CPU

Emulator manager
  • LED 변경
  • 진동
  • 베터리 상태 변동 : 네트워크 연동시에 생각해볼 내용이 많다. [지금 당장 사용해볼것!]
  • USB
  • 개선된 성능


Mobile Platfrom
  • Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition Pocket PC
  • Windows Mobile 2005 Pocket PC
  • Windows Mobile 2005 Smartpone
  • Windows Mobile 6 Classic
  • Windows Mobile 6 Standard
  • Windows Mobile 6 Professional[standard + touch pad]
  • etc..


Control 위치 설정 : 각 Pattern에 따라서 움직이는 내용에 대해서 인지가 필요


Emulator 설정
  • Emulator Manager에서 Connect
  • Cradle에 올려서 network 연결
  • Compile -> Deploy 과정에서 실제 Device로 선택 ( Emulator가 이미 연결되어 있기 때문에, Visual Studio에서는 Emulator를 실제 기기로 인식)

Posted by Y2K